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Overview of the Sinclair Method


Safe, Effective, yet Unknown

The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a safe and effective treatment for alcohol abuse and dependence.  Chances are you haven’t heard about it.  The protocol is simple and easy to follow and has little or no side effects.  There are many reasons it is not well known, but the biggest reason is that TSM goes against the commonly held belief that successful alcohol treatment and recovery requires abstinence. 

TSM is different from conventional alcohol treatment because it does not require a person to stop drinking.  TSM treatment is easier than 12 step and abstinence and allows for a person to continue to drink, but only after they’ve taken a drug that blocks euphoric effects and other "rewards" sought by drinkers and reduces their cravings.  This concept sounds so foreign and unbelievable that most people with drinking problems and the addiction professionals that treat them discount the treatment before taking the time to understand it.  Whether a person periodically drinks too much (binge drinking) or overindulges daily, this method has a very high success rate both in clinical studies (up to 80% success rate) and in the clinical experiences of hundreds of our patients over the last five years.

Drink yourself sober

Successful treatment using TSM requires a prescription drug called naltrexone (Revia) to be taken orally one hour before drinking alcohol.  Due to the effects of blocking the opiate receptors, the naltrexone causes a “pharmacological extinction” of the reward system a person normally experiences when drinking without first taking the medication.  The process of extinction with TSM allows an alcoholic to decrease their alcohol consumption to the point where they can eventually have one or two drinks with dinner, essentially becoming a responsible drinker.  

Most alcoholics and people that have lived with a problem drinker don’t believe that a problem drinker could ever “learn” to drink responsibly.  If you are reading this, we suggest you suspend your disbelief and read all the information contained on this website.  Your life or the life of your loved one may depend on it.

Our office has seen many incredible successes in people that have:

Failed or relapsed many times using conventional 12-step programs and abstinence

Never pursued treatment because they didn’t want or knew they couldn’t be alcohol-free for the rest of their life

Finally realized their drinking was getting out of control but they didn’t want to pursue a conventional alcohol addiction program

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